MosGone: Reusable Trap that Disrupts Mosquito Life Cycle
Earn $30 per sale with this easy-to-sell mosquito trap!
Be rewarded with $30 commission of every sale you help raise for our campaign! All you have to do is:
  1. Click the button and register as a Booster.
  2. Share your unique Booster link on your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Website, or wherever you'd like!
  3. Refer to your Kickbooster dashboard and watch your commissions roll in!

Here are a few reasons why we're a great campaign to back!
  1. We are already fully funded (we were fully funded in 1 hour!)
  2. We offer a very generous commission rate of $30 per sale
  3. Robust media kit with high-quality assets
  4. Easily sellable product. First, who likes mosquitoes?! Second, our product is powered by plant-based active ingredients, and is safe for families when used as directed.
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